Hidden in the lush rainforest of North Queensland lies an enchanting castle, surrounded by towering greenery and a cascading waterfall. This is the captivating site of...
The legal saga surrounding Australian citizen Daniel Duggan and the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (Asio) takes a new turn as Asio is cleared of alleged impropriety...
One of the most significant rock art sites in northern Norway, located in Vingen within Vestland county, is facing a dire threat due to a newly...
Thousands of mourners defied authorities in Moscow to pay their respects to the late opposition leader Alexei Navalny, who died in jail on February 16th. The...
Russian leadership has officially declined a formal invitation from the United States to engage in new talks regarding nuclear arms control, indicating a further deterioration in...
An unfortunate incident transpired in Gaza City as more than 100 Palestinians lost their lives while waiting for an aid delivery, amidst ongoing conflicts between Hamas...
Ghana‘s parliament has recently approved a contentious new anti-LGBTQ legislation, marking a significant development in the ongoing debate in the West African nation. The bill, known...
On this rare 29th February, various countries across Europe are alive with superstitions and customs tied to the leap day. In Greek folklore, it is believed...
Leap Day 2024: Google launched a new Doodle today, celebrating the Leap Day on 29 February. This year, Google is celebrating the Leap Day on 29th...
Russian human rights defender Oleg Orlov, co-chair of Memorial Human Rights Defence Center and recipient of prestigious accolades, has been sentenced to two and a half...