Renowned food blogger Natasha Diddee, famously known as The Gutless Foodie, passed away on Sunday in Pune, Maharashtra. The heartbreaking news was shared by her husband...
Former lawmaker and mafia don Mukhtar Ansari‘s health took a sudden turn for the worse last night while he was serving a life sentence in Banda...
World Vision Taiwan (WVT) announced its decision to discontinue providing foster care services on behalf of local governments after diligently serving for 33 years. The move...
Okra, commonly known as bhindi, is a popular vegetable in India, cherished for its nutritional benefits and antioxidant properties. While consuming okra itself is beneficial, the...
Renowned actor and former governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger, recently underwent surgery to receive a pacemaker, addressing his longstanding heart condition. Schwarzenegger disclosed the news in a social...
WA’s Department of Health has issued a warning concerning potential water quality issues at Mullaloo Beach following reports of skin irritation, ear infections, and gastrointestinal illness,...
An in-depth analysis led by Desmond Yap, MD, PhD from Hong Kong University, sheds light on the correlation between lupus nephritis (LN) and increased cardiovascular risk...
Former inmate Russell Manser, who spent 23 years in prisons across Northern Territory, Queensland, and NSW for bank robberies, has tragically passed away, leaving behind a...
As the festival of Holi approaches, a rare celestial event is set to coincide with the celebrations. The first lunar eclipse of 2024, known as Chandra...
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have extended their support to the Prince and Princess of Wales after Princess Catherine revealed her cancer diagnosis. The BBC...