An animated film titled “Piece By Piece,” directed by Morgan Neville, captures the life journey of acclaimed musician Pharrell Williams through the unique medium of Legos....
Christine Lampard, a well-known figure in the television industry, has expressed her gratitude for the opportunity to fill in for Lorraine Kelly on the popular ITV...
Ayesha Rascoe, a host on NPR, recently engaged in a conversation with comedian and author Trevor Noah about his new children’s book, “Into The Uncut Grass.”...
“Joker: Folie à Deux,” the highly anticipated sequel to the 2019 film “Joker,” underperformed at the North American box office with an opening weekend gross of...
Wyatt Russell and Meredith Hagner’s baby grandson, Boone, is delighting fans with glimpses of his charming life. The eight-month-old is the younger son of Russell and...
Elijah Wood‘s engagement with the realm of magic continues as he graces the screen in the upcoming film “Bookworm.” In this new venture, Wood plays the...
Bargain Hunt has made its return to BBC One, featuring antiques expert Tim Weeks who shares his extensive knowledge with the show’s amateur buyers. Weeks entered...
Popular American streamer IShowSpeed has recently endeavored to break a backflipping world record, aiming for over a thousand flips in a 24-hour period. However, his attempt...
A new adventure awaits for “The Pogues” as “Outer Banks” Season 4 premieres on the streaming platform Netflix. The upcoming season, which will be released in...
Canadian media personality Jeanne Beker, renowned for her work in the fashion and entertainment industries, has released a new memoir that captures her remarkable life story....