Renowned British actor Ian Gelder, best known for his role as Kevan Lannister in the fantasy series ‘Game of Thrones,’ has tragically passed away at the...
NBC has officially announced the series order for ‘Happy’s Place,’ a new comedy starring the talented Reba McEntire, alongside renewing ‘Lopez vs. Lopez‘ for an anticipated...
Grammy award-winning artist Doja Cat took the 2024 Met Gala by storm with a series of unconventional and jaw-dropping looks that left attendees and fans in...
Renowned filmmaker Gracie Otto delves into the poignant story of her father, iconic actor Barry Otto, as he navigates life with Alzheimer’s disease in the heartwarming...
A-listers shone brightly at the renowned Met Gala, celebrating the theme ‘The Garden of Time’ with creativity and style. Inspired by a JG Ballard short story,...
Internet sensation Emma Chamberlain wowed fans at the Met Gala with a chic, slicked back hair look that stole the show, paired perfectly with an iconic...
Amidst the bustle of the pre-Met Gala preparations, The Mark Hotel served as a serene oasis where Instagram gathered its high-profile guests for a unique photoshoot,...
Over a year after the tragic death of South African rapper Costa Titch, his mother Lara Langeveld has finally received closure as the autopsy results shed...
Multi-award winning pop star Olly Alexander is set to proudly represent the United Kingdom with his new song ‘Dizzy‘ at the upcoming Eurovision Song Contest in...
On the 7th of May, the collaboration between Canada’s Music Incubator (CMI) and TD Music brought forth a musical celebration at Union Station to honor Asian...