TV personality and renowned chef Dave Myers, famous for being one half of the beloved cooking duo The Hairy Bikers, has tragically passed away at the...
Bollywood stars Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone shared heartwarming news with fans as they announced their first pregnancy, expecting a baby due in September 2024. The...
Bill Skarsgård and FKA Twigs take center stage in the upcoming remake of ‘The Crow‘, directed by Rupert Sanders. The film, based on the graphic novel...
Australian Football League (AFL) WAG Bec Judd expressed her excitement on social media as she secured tickets to attend British DJ Fred Again‘s highly anticipated concert...
Brooke Warne, the 26-year-old influencer and daughter of late cricket legend Shane Warne, found herself in an embarrassing situation after mistakenly purchasing tickets to the wrong...
Bollywood power couple Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh have announced the joyful news of expecting their first child. The couple made the exciting revelation in February...
Indie band Cigarettes After Sex has revealed their latest LP entitled X's, set for release on July 12, accompanied by a world tour that includes stops...
ITV‘s hit reality show, Celebrity Big Brother, is generating excitement as the rumoured lineup for the upcoming 2024 series starts to circulate. Reports suggest that well-known...
Following the Golden State Warriors‘ recent game, a unique event took place at the renowned Chase Center in San Francisco. Pastors, leaders, and worshipers gathered for...
The highly anticipated new season of the iconic reality competition show, Survivor, is set to premiere tonight, offering fans a thrilling journey of survival and strategy....