The highly anticipated fourth season of the popular anthology series, True Detective, premiered on Sunday under the title True Detectives: Night Country. Led by Jodie Foster...
At 90 years young, Dame Joan Collins still rocks a red carpet in the most fabulous way. Just ask her husband, Percy Gibson. The 58-year-old looked...
Actress and singer-songwriter Suki Waterhouse made a dazzling appearance at the Emmy Awards, proudly showcasing her growing baby bump. Donning a stunning red Valentino gown with...
Emmy Award-winning actress Christina Applegate, known for her roles in “Dead to Me” and “Married with Children,” received a standing ovation at the 2023 Emmys ceremony....
Hollywood star Tom Holland recently opened up about his cherished friendship with fellow actress Zendaya. The pair, who starred together in the Spider-Man franchise, often indulge...
Dr. Kenny Makweng, a highly respected gospel singer from the Zion Christian Church (ZCC), has tragically passed away at a young age. His death has left...
The cast of the popular legal dramedy series Ally McBeal reunited at the 75th annual Emmy Awards to celebrate the show’s impact on television history. Lead...
Actress Jennifer Coolidge expressed her gratitude to the “evil gays” as she accepted the Emmy for Drama Actress during the 24th annual Emmy Awards ceremony on...
Ahead of the Republic Day celebration, the much-awaited trailer of the film ‘Fighter‘ starring heartthrob Hrithik Roshan and Bollywood diva Deepika Padukone has received a tremendous...
Actress Suki Waterhouse stepped onto the red carpet at TV’s biggest night, showcasing her pregnancy glow as she donned a stunning red Valentino cutout gown. With...