Hollywood icon Tom Hanks is set to take on a thrilling new role in an upcoming action-packed movie. The renowned actor has signed on to star...
Nigeria‘s talented singer-songwriter Johnny Drille has recently dropped his highly anticipated album, captivating fans and music enthusiasts all over the country. Titled ‘Melancholia,’ the album offers...
Renowned comedian Bob Mortimer left the audience in splits during his electrifying performance at a packed venue last night. With his unique and hilarious style, Mortimer...
Ranjith Cinema, an iconic movie theater in downtown, is set to reopen its doors after undergoing extensive renovations. The historic cinema, which has been a popular...
Melbourne City is set to become a vibrant hub for international cinema as it prepares to host the prestigious International Film Festival next month. The festival,...
Sophie Winkleman, the talented British actress, has been cast as the lead in an upcoming Netflix series set to captivate audiences around the world. The yet-to-be-titled...
After a brief hiatus, the hugely popular film franchise, Pirates of the Caribbean, is all set to make a grand comeback, much to the delight of...
In a thrilling night at the 90th Academy Awards, veteran actor Gary Oldman walked away with the highly coveted Best Actor trophy. The star-studded event, held...
Beloved TV weather presenter Carol Kirkwood has surprised fans with news of her secret wedding. The popular BBC Breakfast host tied the knot in an intimate...
Pierce Brosnan, the well-known Hollywood actor, is set to grace the silver screen once again with his remarkable talent. Brosnan has been cast as the lead...