In a tragic incident in the district of Jamtara in Jharkhand, two passengers lost their lives as a local train ran over them at Kala Jharia...
In a landmark verdict at the High Court in Glasgow, Iain Packer has finally been brought to justice for the murder of Emma Caldwell after nearly...
The weather outlook for Brampton on February 28th, 2024, according to Environment Canada, suggests the likelihood of showers during the morning hours. The daytime high temperature...
The son of Republican Congresswoman Lauren Boebert, Tyler Jay Boebert, has been taken into custody after a series of vehicle trespass and property theft incidents in...
Toronto Blue Jays pitcher Erik Swanson has departed from the team’s spring training camp following a tragic incident involving his 4-year-old son in Clearwater, Florida. Toby...
The Princess of Wales recently underwent abdominal surgery and had a 13-day stay at the London Clinic. She is now recuperating at Adelaide Cottage. Speculations arose...
A series of wildfires swept across the Texas Panhandle early Wednesday, prompting evacuations, cutting off power to thousands, and forcing the brief shutdown of a nuclear...
Devastating wildfires in the Texas Panhandle have led to a disaster declaration by Gov. Greg Abbott for 60 counties in the state. The fires have particularly...
Multiple schools have been affected by closures and bus cancellations today across Northeastern Ontario. The North East Tri-Board Student Transportation, which serves the District School Board...
The National Weather Service has issued a Tornado Watch for Holmes County, Ohio, as severe storms sweep through Northeast Ohio. The watch is set to expire...