In a recent viral TikTok video, a mother named Hannah, who goes by @nursehannahbh online, has sparked significant discussion by sharing her unfiltered experience of postpartum...
The Kerala State Lottery Department has officially announced the results of the Karunya Plus KN-543 lottery drawn on Thursday, October 17, 2024. According to the department,...
On October 16, 2024, former U.S. President Jimmy Carter cast his vote in the Georgia elections, fulfilling a long-time personal goal to participate in the democratic...
Lagos State Governor, Babajide Sanwo-Olu, has announced plans to set a higher minimum wage for workers in the state, raising it to N85,000. This announcement was...
The Halle Police Department has concluded its search for a suspect involved in the theft of a JBL-Partybox from an electronics market in Halle (Saale). The...
Texas is poised to execute Robert Roberson, a man convicted of killing his two-year-old daughter in 2002, amidst ongoing debates over the validity of the diagnosis...
Sheridan, Wyoming — Former President Donald Trump has entered the luxury watch market, promoting timepieces under the brand “Trump Watch.” The promotional material, featuring Trump behind...
On Wednesday, a 5.9-magnitude earthquake struck the city of Elazig, situated in Malatya province in eastern Turkey. The tremor induced significant concern within the local population...
Bybit, a prominent cryptocurrency exchange, has announced that it will list $X tokens for spot trading on October 24, 2024, offering a new opportunity for traders...
The controversy involving Olivia Nuzzi, a prominent journalist with New York magazine, and Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a former presidential candidate, has stirred intense scrutiny in...