An unfortunate incident occurred on the Mumbai-Pune Expressway in Maharashtra this morning, resulting in a major accident. A truck’s brake failure caused a collision with two...
In a federal court decision, former NBA player Glen ‘Big Baby‘ Davis has been sentenced to 40 months in prison after being convicted in a health...
The President of the Professional Footballers Association of Nigeria (PFAN), Tijani Babangida, was involved in a tragic auto crash today on the Kaduna-Zaria Road, resulting in...
A nine-year-old double amputee boy, Tony Hudgell, from Kent, has been re-invited to Buckingham Palace following a traffic mishap that caused him to miss a Royal...
A trial is underway in Manchester, where former math teacher Rebecca Joynes is facing charges of engaging in sexual activity with underage students. The accused, Joynes,...
A destructive tornado tore through the city of Columbia, leaving a trail of devastation in its wake. The storm, which struck on Wednesday, caused widespread damage...
Former Constitutional Court Judge, Justice Yvonne Mokgoro, tragically passed away at the age of 73 this afternoon. The news was confirmed by her son, Ithateng Mokgoro,...
Parshuram Jayanti 2024 was celebrated with deep reverence and enthusiasm across the country. According to Hindu mythology, Lord Mahavishnu took the form of Parshuram, the sixth...
Businesses near a large fire at a parcel centre in Staffordshire have been urged to evacuate as dozens of firefighters tackle the blaze. Ten fire engines...
Chief Troy Finner‘s sudden retirement from the Houston Police Department has come amidst a significant investigation into suspended criminal cases, leading Mayor John Whitmire to appoint...