Renowned pop star Justin Timberlake pleaded guilty to a lesser charge of driving while ability impaired, following his arrest in June. The incident occurred after a...
Dua Lipa took the stage at London’s historic Royal Albert Hall, reflecting on the iconic figures who had stood there before her. “There have been so...
In the wake of his recent split from Jennifer Lopez, actor Ben Affleck is reportedly directing his attention towards his professional commitments and children. According to...
The cast of the ‘Yellowstone‘ spin-off series, ‘The Madison,’ has been bolstered by the addition of Ben Schnetzer. Schnetzer joins other notable cast members such as...
The highly anticipated Disney+ series ‘Rivals,’ based on Jilly Cooper‘s 1988 novel, has become a point of discussion due to its bold storytelling and daring performances,...
The New York Times Mini Crossword, a compact and succinct version of the traditional crossword puzzle, continues to entice puzzle enthusiasts with its brain-teasing clues and...
Season 7 of “The Rookie” will witness some notable changes, including the introduction of new cast members Deric Augustine and Patrick Keleher. These actors will join...
Keri Russell, renowned for her role in “The Diplomat,” has candidly expressed her reservations about the spotlight that accompanies being a Hollywood actress. In a recent...
The Vans Warped Tour, an iconic festival in the punk-rock scene, is set to make a comeback in 2025. Established in 1995, the festival will celebrate...
American Horror Stories, the episodic anthology series accompanying the mainstay American Horror Story franchise, has unveiled its third season to considerable intrigue. This latest offering consists...