The new Channel 5 drama “The Hardacres,” adapted from a novel by CL Skelton, follows a Yorkshire family’s journey from manual labor to wealth. Despite its...
Fans of the popular British soap, EastEnders, have found themselves intrigued by a new plot featuring the characters David Wicks and a mysterious woman named Holly....
The Stereophonics, a renowned Welsh rock band, have unveiled plans for their largest stadium tour to date, scheduled for the summer of 2025. The “Stadium Anthems”...
Comedy superstar John Bishop is set to return to Aberdeen‘s P&J Live for a landmark performance in October 2025, celebrating a quarter-century in the industry. Bishop’s...
“Metaphor: ReFantazio,” a new fantasy RPG from renowned developer Atlus, has captured the attention of gamers with its unique blend of turn-based combat and politically-infused storytelling....
The Urban Video Project (UVP) at Light Work is set to host a compelling exhibition titled “This Side of Salina,” created by filmmaker Lynne Sachs. The...
A few weeks ago, the popular reality TV show, “The Voice,” returned for its 26th season on NBC. Joining the panel of coaches this time is...
Anne Hathaway has confirmed her return to the beloved role of Mia Thermopolis in “The Princess Diaries 3.” Fans of the popular franchise, which depicts the...
A new film depicting the extreme lengths an aging actress goes to maintain youthful appearance has ignited discussions about the pressures women face regarding body image....
Andrew Garfield and Florence Pugh star in the upcoming romance film “We Live in Time,” where they portray a married couple. During a recent interview, Garfield...