The cast and creative team behind the film ‘Emilia Pérez‘ attended the premiere on Monday during the Toronto International Film Festival. This Netflix film features lawyer...
Benito Antonio Martínez Ocasio, known professionally as Bad Bunny, is set to appear in the upcoming sequel to the classic comedy ‘Happy Gilmore.’ The film is...
Comic artist John Cassaday, renowned for his work on titles such as Planetary and Astonishing X-Men, passed away on September 9 at the age of 52....
The announcement of Kendrick Lamar as the headliner for the Super Bowl halftime show has sparked mixed reactions within the hip-hop community. Scheduled to take place...
Rachel Zoe, a prominent celebrity stylist and reality television star, has announced her separation from her husband, Rodger Berman, after 33 years together, including 26 years...
The website HollywoodPQ has restricted access to certain users due to a recent security measure. This action follows the detection of IP addresses that have been...
In a recent interview with Jimmy Fallon, Hollywood actress Demi Moore opened up about her affectionate bond with her dogs and her unique nighttime routine. Moore...
In an exciting cultural event, Malmö Opera has hosted the world premiere of Joyride, ajukebox musical inspired by the songs of Swedish pop duo Roxette. The...
On Monday, it was announced that Saturday Night Live (SNL) will welcome three new featured players for its milestone 50th season: Ashley Padilla, Emil Wakim, and...
Drew Burnett Gregory has returned to the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) to provide insights on LGBTQ+ cinema, highlighting both the commendable and challenging aspects of...