In a series of historical events that have shaped the global landscape over the past century, the Chernobyl nuclear accident in the Ukraine sent shockwaves across...
Well-known Iranian rapper Toomaj Salehi is facing a death sentence for his involvement in the 2022-23 unrest that followed the tragic death of Mahsa Amini in...
The story of the Cumberland brothers, Joe and Oliver, is a poignant tale of sacrifice and loss that unfolded during World War I. Hailing from Scone...
A Canadian expat family from Wimbledon, London, sparked international speculation after claiming to have spotted a mysterious creature in Scotland‘s Loch Ness, commonly known as Nessie....
Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi embarked on a visit to Pakistan, engaging in discussions on economic opportunities during meetings with Sindh Chief Minister Murad Ali Shah and...
Canada‘s Express Entry system, the innovative platform for skilled workers seeking permanent residency, has seen a surge in profile expirations, leaving many immigration applicants concerned. The...
Explorers from the Ocean X team made a groundbreaking discovery in 2011, uncovering the mysterious Baltic Sea Anomaly during a deep-sea dive in the northern Baltic...
Amid escalating tensions in the South China Sea, the joint military exercises between the United States and the Philippines have commenced in the Philippines. The exercises,...
The Black Sea, once heralded as a contested maritime area, now serves as a stark representation of Russian dominance, exemplified by the boarding incident involving the...
Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi is currently on a significant three-day visit to Pakistan, marking a pivotal moment in regional diplomacy amidst escalating tensions in the Middle...