Michael Strahan, the renowned former NFL player and current co-host of ABC‘s ‘Good Morning America,’ has been in the spotlight recently due to a significant update...
With the onset of the respiratory virus season, a new diagnostic tool is set to become widely available. Over-the-counter multiplex tests capable of detecting both influenza...
Journalist and campaigner Mariella Frostrup has been appointed as the UK Government’s Menopause Employment Ambassador, amid a significant increase in the use of hormone replacement therapy...
Menopause is a natural stage in a woman’s life that affects everyone differently. In recognition of World Menopause Day, Dr. Philippa Kaye, a prominent London-based expert...
On the occasion of World Menopause Day, discussions around menopause are being expanded beyond the usual focus on challenges to highlight its positive aspects. In London,...
Workplace gaslighting is a subtle but insidious tactic that causes victims to question their reality, doubt their perceptions, and feel uncertain about their competence. This behavior...
A recent modeling analysis suggests that Canada could improve efficiency and maintain cervical cancer prevention rates by switching from a two-dose to a one-dose human papillomavirus...
More than 1,100 individuals across Africa have succumbed to mpox, a situation that has prompted warnings from the African Union‘s health agency about the escalating epidemic....
The French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety (Anses) has issued a warning regarding the health risks associated with certain hair straightening products,...
The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) has reported a new strain of COVID-19, termed XEC, which is a combination of the KS.1.1 and KP.3.3 variants. The...