Jeremy Clarkson, the popular UK television personality known for his shows such as Clarkson’s Farm and Top Gear, has voiced his opinion on the state of...
As Indigenous Australians prepare to commemorate January 26, a day filled with varying interpretations, surgeon Kelvin Kong urges the nation to consider the disparities in access...
Kevan, an Armenian from Iraq, became a citizen of Australia on Australia Day, sparking a conversation about the significance of the Australian flag. Reflecting on the...
Renowned historian and author Conrad Black has unveiled his latest masterpiece, ‘The Political and Strategic History of the World: Volume I, From Antiquity to the Caesars,...
Many individuals often underestimate the significance of going to church or any place of fellowship. They question the need for gathering with others when they believe...
James Stephen Donaldson, better known as MrBeast, has become one of the most influential YouTubers in the world with a massive following of 234 million subscribers....
Friendship is a vital aspect of human existence, and in today’s world, finding true friends is becoming increasingly challenging. In a recent edition of the devotional,...
Friendship is a delicate subject that requires careful consideration, especially in today’s self-centered society. However, the importance of genuine friendships cannot be overstated. Everyone needs a...
There is something comforting about being remembered, especially when it comes from someone in a position of power or authority. In the spiritual realm, the concept...
On this day of honoring one of the most influential people of the 20th century, it is a time to reflect on the enduring legacy of...