Deepika Padukone, the acclaimed actress known for her roles in blockbuster films like “Pathaan,” “Jawan,” and “Kalki 2898 AD,” has been announced as part of the...
The “Princess Diaries” franchise is set to expand with a third installment under the direction of Lim, known for her work on “Raya and the Last...
On August 15, three films were released simultaneously in cinemas: ‘Stree 2‘, ‘Khel Khel Mein’, and ‘Vedaa‘. While ‘Vedaa’, starring John Abraham and Sharvari Wagh, underperformed...
Roman Reigns is playing a pivotal role in shaping WWE‘s current storyline, which revolves around the intense feud between his original Bloodline faction and Solo Sikoa’s...
Television personality Vicky Pattison has shared glimpses of her dream wedding held in Puglia, Italy, offering a closer look at the special occasion through a series...
The recently released song, “Sajna Ve Sajna,” from the upcoming film “Vicky Vidya Ka Woh Wala Video” is receiving significant attention. Featuring Shehnaaz Gill alongside Rajkummar...
The highly anticipated trailer for the upcoming film ‘Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3‘ is set to be unveiled at Jaipur‘s Raj Mandir Cinema, an establishment esteemed as ‘Cinema...
Renowned Bollywood singer Sonu Nigam has once again captured the public’s attention, but this time not for his musical prowess. A recent video shared by Nigam...
On October 7, 2024, American singer-songwriter Halsey initiated a creative promotional campaign for her forthcoming album, “The Great Impersonator,” set for release on October 25. As...
Actor Wayne Brady, known for his charismatic presence and comedic talent, recently shared insights into his family life and personal growth during an appearance on The...