The popular television show Taskmaster is back for its 18th season, delighting fans with its unique blend of comedy and competition. Premiering on Thursday, 12th September...
The much-discussed Amy Winehouse biopic, ‘Back to Black‘, directed by Sam Taylor-Johnson, has become available for streaming on Netflix in the UK and Ireland as of...
Malayalam actor Tovino Thomas stars alongside Krithi Shetty in the new film ‘Ajayante Randam Moshanam‘ (ARM), which released on Thursday in Telugu as well. Thomas, who...
Shannon Sharpe, a three-time Super Bowl champion and current ESPN presenter, has issued an apology following an inadvertent broadcast of an intimate moment to his three...
Actor Toby Jones has announced an upcoming series centered on the phone-hacking scandal. The announcement was made during a press event after the National Television Awards...
The highly anticipated film ‘Venom: The Last Dance’ is set to premiere on October 25, and a new trailer reveals an exciting conclusion to the symbiote...
Shawn Mendes is making a significant comeback in the music industry after a period of personal reflection. The Canadian singer-songwriter, known for his soulful melodies, took...
The much-anticipated sequel to the beloved animated movie series, Disney and Pixar‘s “Inside Out 2,” is set to make its streaming debut on Disney+ on September...
The recently released web series ‘Khalbali Records’ attempts to unravel the intricate web of politics within the music industry. This series, streaming on Jio Cinema, dives...
Tovino Thomas embarks on a challenging role in the film Ajayante Randam Moshanam (Ajayan’s Second Theft), directed by Jithin Lal. This Malayalam period film intertwines folk...