Steve Dymond, a participant on the Jeremy Kyle Show, is believed to have taken his own life just one week after filming the program, as revealed...
Firewalk Studios has announced that its newly developed live service game, “Concord,” will be taken offline this Friday, September 6, 2024, just two weeks after its...
Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh, the prominent Bollywood couple, have recently captured the attention of social media with a series of stunning black-and-white maternity photographs. The...
The Governor of Enugu State, Dr. Peter Mbah, recently inaugurated four newly constructed and reconstructed roads in the Abakpa Nike area of Enugu metropolis, prominently including...
NEW DELHI: A shooting incident has been reported outside the residence of renowned Punjabi singer AP Dhillon in Vancouver, Canada. The event unfolded on the night...
Comedian Eric Idle has disclosed the unique gatherings he participated in alongside fellow comedians at the former estate of Scottish comedian Billy Connolly, known as Candacraig....
The Season 21 finale of ‘The Bachelorette’ is set to air on Tuesday, September 3, at 8 p.m. ET/PT on ABC. The episode will reveal who...
Channing Tatum and his co-producers have announced a new booking period for the hit show Magic Mike Live at The Theatre at the Hippodrome Casino in...
James Darren, the former teen idol and pop singer known for his role as the surfer Moondoggie in the Gidget films, passed away on September 2,...
Drew Starkey, a prominent actor known for his role in Netflix’s ‘Outer Banks,’ recently shared insights about his experience filming the upcoming period romance drama ‘Queer,’...