In the aftermath of the devastating Grenfell Tower fire in June 2017, a comprehensive public inquiry has uncovered extensive failures by individuals, companies, and officials responsible...
On Thursday, October 17, 2024, multiple buildings in downtown Beirut, including the offices of Al Jazeera TV and the Norwegian Embassy, were evacuated due to threats...
Democratic US presidential nominee Kamala Harris engaged in a spirited interview with Fox News host Bret Baier, discussing key issues such as immigration and transgender prison...
In a recent interview on MSNBC, renowned investigative journalist Bob Woodward discussed his latest book “War,” which examines the complex geopolitics surrounding the conflicts in Ukraine...
The National Weather Service has issued a winter storm warning for parts of Southern Utah, which came into effect on Wednesday evening and will continue through...
A significant wave of protests erupted in Martinique, a French territory in the Caribbean, beginning September 1, 2024, advocating against the rising cost of living. Despite...
The Denver Broncos will have two key players returning from injury for their Thursday Night Football game against the New Orleans Saints, according to reports from...
A young student has confessed to manufacturing and distributing cannabis-infused gummies at his school, an act that resulted in two of his classmates being hospitalized. The...
Democratic U.S. presidential nominee Kamala Harris participated in a combative interview on Fox News, clashing with host Bret Baier on topics including transgender prisoners, illegal immigration,...
Mark Cuban, a longtime billionaire entrepreneur and owner of the NBA team the Dallas Mavericks, has been actively campaigning alongside Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris. Cuban...