A former NFL quarterback has recently entered the world of tech startups with the launch of his new company aimed at revolutionizing sports performance. The former...
The initial public offering (IPO) of Medi Assist Healthcare Limited is set to launch in India next week. The IPO will open on Monday, the 15th...
Recently, a video of an employee confronting her employer after being fired went viral on social media platform TikTok. The employee, Pietsch, worked as a mid-market...
BlackRock, the biggest asset management company in the world, has announced its acquisition of Global Infrastructure Partners (GIP) in a $12.5bn deal, founded by Nigerian investment...
A former employee of Cloudflare, Brittany Pietsch, recently posted a video on TikTok documenting the meeting where she was fired, sparking a discussion on the proper...
HCL Tech, one of India’s largest IT services companies, has announced its Q3 results and approved an interim dividend of ₹12 per share for the financial...
The Dangote oil refinery in Nigeria has finally started producing diesel and aviation fuel, marking an important milestone for the facility. After years of construction delays,...
Johnsonville, a small town located in the heart of the Midwest, is buzzing with excitement as the Tech Academy, a new education center with a focus...
Fox News has decided to stop airing commercials from the company MyPillow, citing unpaid bills from the company’s founder, Mike Lindell. According to Fox News, once...
HCL Tech, one of the leading IT services companies in India, has reported an impressive growth in its net profit for the third quarter of the...